27 January 2013

Sleeping through the Night

Whats this sleep you speak of? I feel like there is some kind of sensor in my brain, that sets off a silent alarm as soon as I drift off into dreamland, that causes one of my sweet boys to start whining, or even better, BOTH of them in a lovely chorus of constant cries.

This happens every night for at least the past week.




I fall asleep, until about 2am when they finally grow tired.

BUT, they don't sleep in either. Still up at the crack of dawn they are. Which is fine, because I hate sleeping in, but because of their lack of sleep, they are whiney and cranky for the greater portion of the morning. I can't even complete a full cup of coffee (if I can even GET to that first cup first) without the youngest climbing into my lap begging for mommies love.

Do I mind the snuggles? no, of course not. I LOVE to love my children. But what I wouldn't do for a full uninterrupted night of sleep, followed up with a moment of peace and a full HOT cup of coffee.

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