11 January 2013

more to add to my "to do" list :)

Today a new bed we had ordered arrived. I set it up in the boys room, where I wanted it. Even though it 'fits' it still seems kind of crowded. I *might* make it work, by rearranging their room, but I also am tempted to just switch them with our room.

We will be crowded in there, sure, but they are 2  young boys, and have a lot more STUFF than we do. This is going to cause a lot of work, and I am sure my husband won't like the thought of moving stuff around just because I feel like it. (not the way he likes to spend his days off) But our room is slightly bigger, and because they have 2 twin size beds, unless they are pushed together, they take up lots of space, leaving not much room to actually play.

So, unless I dig up some of my own ambition to do it myself, its not happening. I get bored easily, and as the kids get older, I feel like changes are always necessary. We live in small quarters of what is 'technically' 1300 square feet, most of it is closets, one of which is a utility closet holding the furnace and hot water heater so for 5 people, cramped is just the way of life, right?

I am still finishing up my pantry project I have been working on as well.. lots of half finished projects going on here. ;p  It will all get done eventually.. I am actually pretty darn excited about the boys moving forward and having 2 big boy beds all to themselves. Its already been a HUGE accomplishment getting them BOTH out of OUR bed.. SUCCESS!! 

Hopefully soon, I will have photos of a complete room makeover. Kind of excited. Now all I must do is convince the husband. Have a great weekend!

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