31 March 2012

behavioral charts

It was almost 2 years ago I had the kids make their own "rainbow" charts. Each color is represents their attitude during the day. The goal is to stay on RED.. and as your picture slides down the rainbow, to blue, you're in trouble. Now, I didn't come up with consequences for each color, which is why I hadn't hung them up on the wall, and they have been since forgotten, until today. I decided to go ahead and hang them anyway, and figure out a routine after.

What we did:

Cut strips of craft paper, in 5 different colors, and glued them on an old cookie sheet. We used some pinking shears to make some cool patterns as well.

We then found pictures of each kid, and cut them out accordingly, and stuck a magnet to the back of each picture.

Since we made one chart for each kid, they got to put their names on them, with alphabetical stickers.

Here is the result:

 I had hung them on pre existing nails, which is why they aren't even (I can't measure anyway, so its not like they would be straight regardless) To make them hang, I just hot glued soda tabs to the back of each tray.

Now its time to come up with consequence for each color/kid.

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