22 April 2011

Just for fun cupcakes

We decided to make cupcakes this afternoon. I am trying to avoid the "i'm bored" statements... so we went ahead and baked, then made a huge mess decorating. Heck, decorating is the best part. :) I ran out of cupcake liners so I had to improvise and made my own out of aluminum foil.

a simple fix

After a little mishap with the eggs this morning, I decided to improvise with plastic eggs. Preston really wanted to play with the eggs, so we had a couple land on the kitchen floor. (a little salt on the slippery egg helps clean up the mess easily). I then used an old egg carton and filled it up with plastic eggs. Preston was pleased. Maybe now he will leave the eggs in the fridge alone. :)

21 April 2011

Kids Craft day

Well, since I can't post too much right now, until after birthday/mothersday/babyshower season, I will show you what my kids made yesterday.

Supplies used:
Paper plates
construction paper
googly eyes
a little imagination

and VOILA! the end result:

I especially love Prestons Mutant Bunny :)

Alexis did a good job too.

14 April 2011

SO much to do SO much to do

I have been working on some projects but because they are gifts, I cannot take the risk by posting them NOW.. but keep on the look out because very soon I will have 4 different projects to share with all of you. In the meantime, I would like to wish everyone a happy spring!