05 January 2013

Currently Reading

I am trying to figure out a catchy title for the current books I am reading each time I update. (likely bi weekly) Any suggestions are welcome!

 I am involved in an online book group, which is made up of a few of the mommies I met when I joined ivillage several years ago, when expecting my 4 (almost 5 *gasp*) year old son.

This week I am reading January's book of the month: 

So far, I am only about 5% into it, according to my kindles little ticker. So far, I am really enjoying it, and hoping to get a good chunk of it read this afternoon, if the kids allow it. :)

HOPEFULLY I can get this book done by weeks end, so I can attempt my goal of at least 2 books per month. Once upon a time, I read much much more, but my kids keep me busy. Most of my books are children's books these days, which isn't so bad either. My kids love to be read to, and I hope their love for books carries on into their teen years. I HATED reading as a teen so I aim to keep them interested.


  1. Recent Read? Bedside Book? Literary Leisure? Sh!t I'm Reading Today?

    i still haven't started that one yet. I'm trying to get into The Hobbit, but i am definitely not enjoying it as much as i did the last time i read it. :/ (i was abou 11, i think)

  2. The hobbit took me over a month to read last fall, but I pushed through it. I really had to be in the mood for it though.
    I like all of those suggestions.
    maybe I will create a poll. Thanks!
